Get in touch!
Hey there! Thank you for stopping by Everyday Easy Eats. I would love to hear from you about any questions, comments, or inquiries. Here are the best ways to get in touch with me:
Recipe & Article Questions
If you have any questions or feedback about a specific recipe or article, please leave a comment at the end of post in the “Comments” section. That way, other readers can see and benefit from learning about your question or feedback. I love hearing how a recipe went for you or if you need any help making a recipe!
Press Inquiries
If you are interested in getting in touch with me to discuss press opportunities or if you would like to feature a recipe from Everyday Easy Eats, you can email me at alia {at} everydayeasyeats {dot} com.
Guest Posts & Advertising
Please note that I am not accepting any guest posts on my website at this time. I currently work with Mediavine for advertising, and I am not interested in switching to another ad technology.
Other Questions
If you have any other questions, comments, or just want to say hello, feel free to send me an email at: alia {at} everydayeasyeats {dot} com. Alternatively, you can use the contact form below. I will get back to you as soon as possible!